Documenting Lightning Components with LIVE examples!

Some of the least documented features of the Lightning Component framework are the documentation features themselves. When utilised properly, these can bring huge efficiencies in how quickly you can pull together a technical reference guide for your Lightning Components. The coolest part is that the documentation is a lightning application itself. We can incorporate real life…

Tutorial – Activity Timeline Lightning Component

I recently entered a Lightning Component competition at work. The idea was simple; create a Lightning Component based on a CSS template provided by the Lightning Design System. In this tutorial I’ll walk you through the design and build of my Activity Timeline component. The focus, as it should be, was on component reusability and portability….

Extending Communities using Lightning Components

With the launch of Salesforce Community Cloud, Salesforce have made it easier and faster than ever before to deliver mobile first, elegantly designed communities to your customers, employees and partners. “Now you can build Rome in a day” headlines the informational pages on the website. Terms such as Community Templates and Community Designer sit alongside…